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Indianapolis Domestic Violence Lawyer

If you have been wrongly accused of violence by a family or household member and are facing domestic violence charges, it is crucial to take prompt action. Without an experienced Indianapolis domestic violence lawyer handling your case, you may find yourself facing more serious criminal charges than you anticipated.

domestic violence testimonial Randa S.A domestic abuse criminal case is complex and begins with understanding how Indiana defines domestic violence (or domestic battery), what the possible consequences of being convicted are, and how to secure an experienced domestic violence lawyer to fight for you.

Seeking the assistance of an experienced domestic violence attorney or abuse lawyer withobatut delay can significantly impact your case.

Zentz Law has extensive experience handling domestic violence cases and the sooner you schedule a free consultation, the better chance you have of protecting yourself from criminal charges.

What Constitutes Domestic Violence, Domestic Abuse, or Family Violence under Indiana Law?

Domestic violence under Indiana code constitutes a broad category of offenses, some of which do not involve physical harm or bodily injury to an intimate partner. There’s also a wide range of impact. The perpetrator may intentionally touch someone in a harmful way or inflict serious (even life-threatening) injuries.

Some examples of violence include:

Intimidation: The crime of intimidation involves communicating a threat with the intent to coerce another person’s conduct against their will or to display disorderly conduct or instill fear of retaliation for a prior lawful act. It does not require physical or serious bodily injury but may include aggravating factors such as dangerous weapons or vehicles to threaten harm.

Stalking: Stalking entails deliberately and repeatedly harassing someone in a manner that causes the victim to feel threatened, terrorized, frightened, or intimidated in an angry manner. The behavior must be such that it would cause an ordinary person to react similarly.

Strangulation: Strangulation occurs when the perpetrator knowingly or intentionally applies pressure to the victim’s throat, neck, or torso, obstructing the victim’s breathing or blood circulation. The perpetrator must act rudely, in an angry manner, or insolently while inflicting bodily injury.

Sexual Assault: Sexual assault transpires when the perpetrator engages in involuntary sexual conduct. The victim is coerced, forced, intimidated, unconscious, mentally disabled, etc. during the violation. Including when someone intentionally touches another person sexually, without consent.

Who Can Be Charged In Indianapolis Domestic Violence Cases?

In Indiana, the term “domestic violence” encompasses a range of offenses rather than a single distinct crime. Charges can be brought against you by andomestic violence term individual who is :

  • A current family or household member.
  • A former family member or household member.
  • Your current or former spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, or sexual partner.
  • Anyone related to you by blood, adoption, or marriage.
  • A current or former guardian, ward, custodian, or foster parent.
  • Anyone who has a child in common with you.

How Domestic Violence Lawyers Will Reduce Your Chance of Being Proven Guilty

Legal Expertise: An attorney specializing in domestic violence cases knows how to build a healthy attorney-client relationship and gather evidence like police reports, bodily fluid examination reports, and witness testimony. A compassionate attorney also knows how to navigate complex family or household member relationships and confidentially handle cases of a sensitive nature.

Case Assessment: A thorough assessment of the evidence and circumstances surrounding the domestic violence charge is essential. Defense attorneys domestic violence assessment of evidencemeticulously review police reports, witness statements, and other evidence the prosecution presents. This scrutiny helps identify weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and opportunities to challenge the allegations.

Building a Strong Defense: This may involve challenging the credibility of witnesses, disputing the accuracy of evidence, or presenting alternative interpretations of events. A strong defense strategy aims to create reasonable doubt and cast uncertainty on the prosecution’s case.

Protecting Your Rights: An attorney ensures that their client’s rights, such as the right to a fair trial, due process, and protection against unlawful searches and seizures, are upheld. This commitment to protecting rights is fundamental to maintaining the integrity of the legal proceedings.

Negotiation Skills: A defense attorney with solid negotiation skills may engage in plea bargaining to secure reduced charges or explore alternatives to incarceration, such as counseling or community service. Negotiations aim to achieve the best possible outcome for the client based on the case’s specific circumstances.

Emotional Support: A compassionate attorney provides essential emotional support to their clients throughout the legal process. By establishing open communication and understanding the emotional toll of the situation, the attorney helps clients navigate the challenges with resilience.

Trial Advocacy: In cases where a trial is unavoidable, the attorney becomes a zealous advocate for their client in the courtroom. This involves presenting a compelling defense, cross-examining witnesses, and effectively countering the prosecution’s arguments.

Post-Conviction Relief: In the unfortunate event of a conviction, a criminal defense attorney may continue to advocate for their client through post-conviction relief efforts. This could involve filing appeals, seeking sentence reductions, or exploring legal avenues to address any miscarriage of justice.

A Zentz Law domestic violence defense attorney combines legal representation, strategic thinking, and empathy to help clients navigate the legal system and mount a robust defense.

By diligently protecting your rights and crafting effective legal strategies, Zentz Law strives to secure the best possible outcome for individuals facing domestic violence charges.

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How To Protect Yourself From Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence Charges

Facing domestic violence charges can be overwhelming, and as the trial date approaches, the possibility of jail time and additional penalties looms over every moment of your day.

To safeguard your future, engage the services of a skilled and experienced criminal defense lawyer with extensive experience navigating Indiana’s domestic violence laws. Examine all potential criminal defense lawyers’ track records in litigation to make sure they have a thorough understanding of the criminal justice system.

To increase your chances of a favorable outcome and understand how Indiana’s domestic violence laws apply to you, reach out to the domestic violence attorneys at Zentz Law today.

The criminal defense team at Zentz Law has legal experience and a strong understanding of Indiana’s domestic violence laws. Our entire criminal defense team of experienced domestic violence attorneys will work towards avoiding a domestic violence conviction.

Contact an Indianapolis domestic violence lawyer today by calling 317-220-6056 or completing our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.

Overview of Indiana State Domestic Violence Laws

domestic violence 1 year prison termIndiana’s domestic violence laws aim to protect victims and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions. Covering physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse between household members, Indiana’s legal code defines various domestic violence offenses and crimes.

A few of the most common domestic or family violence charges an Indianapolis domestic violence attorney defends their client from include:

In Indiana, a domestic violence conviction, even at its least severe, can lead to a Class A misdemeanor with a one-year prison term and a $5,000 fine.

A criminal history, or criminal offenses such as a prior domestic violence conviction or battery conviction, elevates the offense to a Level 6 felony, carrying a maximum prison sentence of two and a half years and a fine of up to $10,000.

Concerns for Those Charged under Domestic Violence Laws in Indiana

domestic violence level 6Facing a domestic violence charge in Indiana extends beyond criminal penalties to collateral consequences, impacting personal and professional aspects. Individuals charged may encounter collateral consequences such as:

Employment and Education: A violence conviction can result in job difficulty, challenges securing employment or professional licenses, and challenges obtaining student loans.

Housing: Landlords may deny rental applications or evict individuals with a criminal violence conviction after conducting background checks.

Immigration Consequences: Non-citizens may face deportation or inadmissibility because violence against a family member or household member is considered a crime of moral turpitude.

Child Custody and Visitation Rights: Domestic battery charges can affect child custody and visitation rights, possibly leading to a restraining order, supervised visitation orders, reduced parenting time, and disruption of your close relationship with your children.

Reputation and Stigma: Social stigma and discrimination may follow those facing criminal charges, negatively impacting your personal and professional life.

Protective Order: An alleged victim of violent crime may seek a protective order (sometimes called a restraining order), restricting contact and leading to additional consequences for violators.

Possible Defenses Your Indianapolis Domestic Violence Lawyers May Use

Individuals charged under Indiana’s domestic violence laws should develop a robust defense strategy to protect their legal and constitutional rights first.

Common defense strategies include:

Self-Defense: Asserting self-defense can be a basis for seeking dismissal of protection orders.

False Accusations: Gathering evidence to refute false or exaggerated accusations, which may arise from revenge or jealousy.domestic violence help on hand

Lack of Evidence: Challenging the prosecution’s case by arguing insufficient evidence to support the charges.

Inconsistencies in Alleged Victim Testimony: Highlighting inconsistencies or contradictions in the victim’s testimony.

Plea Bargaining: Negotiating with the prosecution to reduce charges, agree to a plea deal, or drop charges in exchange for a guilty plea to a lesser offense.

Pre-Trial Diversion Programs: Seeking participation in diversion programs involving counseling, community service, and restitution, with successful completion leading to charges being dismissed.

Selecting an experienced Indianapolis domestic violence lawyer is crucial for the success of any domestic violence defense attorney strategy. Attorneys from Zentz Law possess the necessary experience to craft a powerful defense and advocate for clients throughout their cases.

You Deserve Experienced Indiana Domestic Violence Lawyers Working to Protect Your Legal Rights

An Indianapolis domestic violence lawyer at Zentz Law thoroughly investigates each case of domestic battery, staying abreast of legal changes to give you the best possible outcome

Call us today at 317-220-6056 for a free case evaluation, or complete our online contact form.